

5 05, 2016

“Random act of kindness”: how corporates move individuals

By |May 5th, 2016|Eren Wong|Comments Off on “Random act of kindness”: how corporates move individuals

Having recently realized that Pret gave away a million cups of coffee a year for free as their "random act of kindness" loyalty scheme, I was immediately inspired by such a campaign. Having gotten a free coffee for 2-3 times from Pret myself, I had not quite realized it could have been a company policy. After all, I had never in any other occasions received free drinks or food, except when it was them who made a mistake. The very first time I got a free coffee from Pret, it so happened that it was the same day the entire office building’s power was cut by accident, I thought they might have known and pitied us, that’s why I got a free coffee. I ran telling everybody in the office they could get free coffee from Pret. It turned out that it was the staff’s random act of kindness, although [...]

28 04, 2016

The controversy of whether recruiters are needed

By |April 28th, 2016|Bruno Navalha|3 Comments

Every once in a while, there are those in the media that declare recruiting as a profession is coming to an end. It happened after the bust and subsequent recession earlier this century, and it’s happening again. Only this time, it’s not only a recession that’s fueling speculation of the end of the recruiting profession. There are other factors involved, as well, including the proliferation of social media and rapidly advancing technology, both of which have resulted in multiple means of communication. However, rather than spelling doom for recruiters, these developments only underscore the importance of recruiters. In fact, below are four reasons why recruiters are more important than ever: 1) More does NOT mean more. Sure, potential candidates are seemingly everywhere these days, including online and in social media. Not only that, but job postings also attract hundreds of applicants every week, if not every day. However, does [...]

21 04, 2016

The corporate social responsibility of creating a sustainable environment: it is not just corporate

By |April 21st, 2016|Eren Wong|Comments Off on The corporate social responsibility of creating a sustainable environment: it is not just corporate

Corporate social responsibility is becoming a very important hot topic in today’s business world. It is no longer just about making a profit and going global. Now is also a time where companies care equally about giving back to the society and creating a sustainable operating environment. Sustainability has become as critical as profitability has. In recent years, organisations are voted and rewarded for fighting climate change and global warming. For example, in the US, a dozen leading companies have committed to investing a total of $140 billion in new funds to combat climate change in a government initiative created to demonstrate the private sector’s commitment to the issue. These companies committed both money and resources to fighting climate change. They included many of the most prominent corporations, including retailers, banks and tech companied in the country. In the UK, companies such as Google, Apple, Starbucks, Unilever have all formalized [...]

30 03, 2016

Hiring: is the skillset more important or are personality and drive more important?

By |March 30th, 2016|Eren Wong|Comments Off on Hiring: is the skillset more important or are personality and drive more important?

In the London job market, there seems to be an overwhelming consensus that if you do not have significant experience in a job that is being advertised, mostly likely you will never be considered for the position. This is especially so for big companies who use computer-generated systems as a screening measure to filter out candidates as much as they can before the first round of interview even starts. In the case of a busy and growing company who engages with external recruiters to source talents for them, less experienced recruiters, while under KPI pressure, become mere telephone machineries and adopt a simple ‘tick boxes’ approach to sourcing candidates and completely miss the hidden gems and talents amongst a pile of applications. This is a pretty worrying phenomenon. London is supposed to be one of the most open-minded, talent-rich and innovative cosmopolitan cities in the world. On one hand, you [...]

30 03, 2016

Brexit’s potential impact on legal recruitment in London

By |March 30th, 2016|Bruno Navalha|1 Comment

I am often asked on my insight into the impact on a British exit from the EU and its effect within the legal recruitment industry. This would depend on the form the exit would take. Exit 1: EEA but not EU The UK could leave the EU but remain part of the European Economic Area (EEA) and have a relationship with the EU like Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The UK would remain bound by much of EU law (e.g. laws concerning employment, the environment and competition) but would cease to have a vote or formal role in the legislative process. The UK would become exempt from certain EU policy areas including fisheries, energy, justice and foreign policy. The free movement rules would continue to apply, meaning that the UK could not restrict EU immigration. The UK’s financial contributions to the EU budget would be likely to reduce, albeit it would [...]